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Xto1 - My fear

l'homme de vinci avec une moitier robot


Transhumanism is a movement aimed at changing the human being to transcend it (literally to make it “beyond the human”), endow it with intellectual, cognitive, physical and psychological abilities and/or abilities greater than normal. This idea resonates with the notion of posthumanism defended by philosophers like Nietzsche and advocated by certain writers (science fiction) like Philip K. Dick.

Une main humaine est une main robot

The post-human era will be marked by radical changes in both society and technology, as we move beyond Homo Sapiens into a new stage of evolution: a stage where we become cyborgs or merge with machines; where our bodies are controlled by external devices; where humans live alongside robots and living tissue machines - all part of what some call "post-human". This is the era of post-human, where humans are no longer limited to their biological form and can transcend into machines or what some call "transhuman".

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Some say that this movement encourages people to consider themselves as "post-human" or "living post-human in a post-human world". In other words, we want our bodies to be so altered that they become unrecognizable from what they were before! But that’s not necessarily what I mean here; I just want everyone, even if they are already part of this new generation - to understand how these ideas can be dangerous

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